Chapter, Verse |
Hymn No. |
First Line |
2:1 |
131 |
O Lord, with our ears and hearts open, |
2:1 |
353 |
What will it be to dwell above, |
2:1 |
198 |
Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee |
2:1 |
10 |
Our God and Father, may our souls repose |
2:1 |
113 |
Lord Jesus, come, Thy saints for Thee are waiting, |
2:1 |
359 |
O how precious Thine assembly |
2:1 |
421 |
What will it be when all life's toil is finished, |
2:1 |
140 |
O Lord, our hearts are waiting |
2:1 |
345 |
O Lord, do Thou our souls inspire |
2:1 |
234 |
O Lord, we joy that Thou art glory-crowned, |
2:1 |
290 |
I love to sing of Jesus, |
2:10 |
220 |
I could not do without Thee, |
2:13 |
131 |
O Lord, with our ears and hearts open, |
2:13 |
222 |
O Thou blessèd Holy Spirit, |
2:13 |
453 |
Holy Spirit, helper nigh, |
2:13 |
109 |
Blest Holy Spirit, Thou |
2:13 |
389 |
Holy Father, in Thy mercy |
2:13 |
199 |
Lord Jesus Christ, our living Head, |
2:14 |
246 |
There is a wondrous story, |
2:14 |
28 |
Hail! Thou once despisèd Jesus; |
2:14 |
254 |
Lord, to our souls Thy light is ever pure, |
2:14 |
31 |
A While, yes, a very short while now of waiting, |
2:14 |
119 |
Our God and Father, we draw near to Thee |
2:16 |
86 |
Through the love of God our Saviour, |
2:16 |
2 |
Father, 'twas Thy love that knew us |
2:16 |
362 |
O Lord, what peace and rest we find |
2:16 |
10 |
Our God and Father, may our souls repose |
2:16 |
178 |
Blest Father, infinite in grace, |
2:16 |
191 |
Father, praise to Thee we give; |
2:16 |
316 |
Blest Father, we draw nigh, |
2:16 |
450 |
Blest be the God and Father |
2:16 |
441 |
Father of every fam'ly |
2:16 |
156 |
Blessèd Lord, our hallelujahs |
2:16 |
282 |
God gave His Son for sinners; |
2:16 |
78 |
O God of grace, our Father, |
2:16 |
136 |
Father, spring and source of blessing, |
2:16 |
336 |
Blest God and Father, source of joy |
2:16 |
116 |
Blest God and Father, we confess |
2:16 |
144 |
In that bright home of love divine, |
2:16 |
347 |
The bread and cup, O Lord, recall |
2:16 |
66 |
O gracious God, Thy pleasure |
2:16 |
251 |
Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour Thou, |
2:16 |
278 |
Saviour we long to follow Thee, |
2:16 |
382 |
Not to ourselves we owe |
2:16 |
407 |
O God, Thy grace no limit knows, |
2:16 |
11 |
Thou are the blest incarnate Word, |
2:16 |
103 |
We'll sing of the Shepherd that died, |
2:16 |
298 |
Lord, we treasure with affection |
2:16 |
26 |
Father, Thy love our portion is, |
2:16 |
120 |
Father, in Thine eternal power, |
2:16 |
423 |
O Lord, what love for sinners Thou hast shown, |
2:16 |
318 |
For us, O Lord, Thou camest from on high, |
2:16 |
190 |
O Lord, Thy wonderous story |
2:16 |
397 |
Jesus, Thy head, once crowned with thorns, |
2:16 |
200 |
O Jesus, precious Saviour, |
2:16 |
59 |
The heart of God is love; |
2:16,17 |
389 |
Holy Father, in Thy mercy |
2:16,17 |
456 |
Our God, we bless Thee for Thy love |
2:2 |
140 |
O Lord, our hearts are waiting |
2:2 |
338 |
The Lord is coming; lift your heads! |
2:2 |
254 |
Lord, to our souls Thy light is ever pure, |
2:2 |
342 |
O Lord, the knowledge of Thy love |
2:7 |
109 |
Blest Holy Spirit, Thou |
2:7 |
288 |
Our hearts Thou dost console, O Lord, |
2:8 |
213 |
In hope we lift our wishful, longing eyes, |
2:8 |
194 |
The night is far spent, and the day is at hand; |
2:8 |
291 |
Lo! He comes, from heav'n descending, |